Our Story
Welcome to our Journey of Self Expression!

We see ourselves as out of the box people who spent most of their lives trying to fit the mold just to discover that in order to feel alive and happy we must be ourselves.
We were seeking for deep connections our entire life but at that time we just felt lonely and misunderstood even by the ones we loved the most.
We often found each other in situations where we could not be authentic, being afraid of other people's opinion and judgment. We felt like no one could really see us for who we were.
When we found each other, we realized that we could just be who we are… that actually in order to be loved we must show the world who we are!
So, we turn our experience into our life's mission where we want others to allow themselves too to embrace this journey and just be who they are!
The In My Skin project is all about YOU! It’s so much more than just style and good looking, it is about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin, to show your true colors!
So, are you ready to join us?!
Remember: 'We don't need to fit the mold to belong!'